Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010 Resolutions

Like everyone else, every year, I make a list of "resolutions" and then after about 4 days, I completely forget and it ends up being useless. So, this year, I'm thinking long term goals and things I've wanted to do for a while so that I CAN'T just forget them over the course of a week.

Here are some of mine:

1) Get to know my customers better and allow them to get to know me better through personalized correspondence and getting their truthful opinions.

2) Read more biographies and autobiographies. I tend to read everything, but after watching Invictus, I realize that I want to know more about Nelson Mandela. Reading about important historial figures (both dead or alive) from their own perspective is a way to sort of live their experiences through their own lives.

3) I'm a nice person--sometimes too nice. So I also "resolve" to be more even-keeled. Be fair but firm.

What are your resolutions?

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